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Trap Bombs is a Survival Skill learned in Dying Light


Trap Bombs are timed explosives that attract Infected before exploding and applying any of their effects. For unknown reasons, humans do not flee from Trap Bombs even when thrown next to them. As such, they are by far the best throwing weapons in the game. Due to the short period of time trap bombs create noise, which is comparable to Firecrackers, a decent amount of positioning is still required. There are still weaknesses to these weapons despite their ease of use.

The simplest one is, they are still explosives. They can harm the player and they make lots of noise which can often render this weapon's crowd control abilities moot as Virals will appear to replace the dead horde. This is usually not an issue if the player is willing to fight off the Virals that are coming or if there are more enemies than incoming Virals.

In the end, Trap Bombs are the most useful against hordes of Infected, being a quick and easy way of disposing large hordes with minimum requirements as well as a way to actually blow up human enemies.

GameSpot Expert Reviews

Unlocked Blueprints[]

Blueprint Requirements Effects/Usage
Exploding Trap Bombs Firecrackers and a better explosive. Explodes after firecrackers end. Explosion draws Virals/Volatiles.
Shrapnel Trap Bombs Firecrackers combined with a better shrapnel explosive. Explodes after firecrackers end, causing heavy bleeding for any infected/human that it explodes near. Explosion draws Virals/Volatiles.
Toxic Trap Bombs Firecrackers and a better poison explosive. Explodes after firecrackers end, causing high poison for any infected/human that it explodes near. Explosion draws Virals/Volatiles.


See also[]
